Semaltec & Industrias Abionzo. Industrial Parts Manufacturing National and International Orders
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About us
Semaltec is a company of the metalworking field, founded in 1980 by Mario Guemes Perez for the manufacturing of machined parts. Semaltec S. A. de CV was established in 2003 as a company of Guemes Industrial Group which is recognized in the region as a group with over 56 years of industry experience. 
Mision   Vision
Semaltec is a company created to solve machining requirements, providing quality products and services through the most modern technology and the commitment of continuous improvement by our staff, to meet the needs of our customers.   Semaltec has the vision to be a world-class company, always looking for customer satisfaction remain competitive in quality, price and delivery time and also create a safe environment that includes the development of our employees.

› Teamwork: We share the responsibility to seek solutions from different points of view.

› Respect:
Appreciate and value the qualities of others and their rights, either for his knowledge, experience, or value as a person. .

› Commitment:
We put our capacities to push through all that is entrusted to us.

› Customer Service Orientation:
Without customers there would be no reason to be so we must find the best way to meet your needs.
Aceros Tangamanga Avionzo G-products Aceros Hércules Talleres Guemes
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